1. Woman’s heart naturally beats faster than
man’s one.
2. Women blink twice as often as men do.
3. Female organism taps reserves much
slower than male’s: approximately 50 kcal a
4. Women have stronger immunity.
5. Diameter of woman’s hair is twice smaller
than man’s.
6. Callosum in woman’s brain is thicker than
in man’s. It contains 30% more connections.
This what actually helps women cope with
several tasks at once.
7. Woman’s tongue has more taste
8. Woman’s organism has more pain
receptors, but due to oestrogen which
blocks inflammatory processes, in general,
women have lower pain threshold.
9. Women can better distinguish tints and
colors, because color identification is
connected to the X-chromosome.
10. Woman’s skin is 10 times more sensitive
than male’s.
11. There is more elastin in muscles and
band of female organism, that’s why women
are more elastic.
12. Woman can better distinguish sounds of
high frequency.
13. During sleeping, activity of woman’s
brain reduces only by 10%, that’s why
female sleeping is more sensitive.
14. Women can better define various tints of
sweet taste.
15. Women naturally orient in space much
worse than men, that’s why they can have
problems with driving. For example, 82% of
men can do parallel parking, and 70% of
them cope with this task on the first try.
Women show quite different results. Only
22% or women are capable to deal with this
task, and only 1/3 of them will do this at the
first attempt.